To build shops where the consumer walks in, pick up the goods and walks out.
A shelf with weigh cells and electronics that is "product_aware"
Appoint a System Integrator, the hardware is ready with Sense_Shelf

Sense Shelves, in connection to a planogram software, are aware of the products being hold and their movements.
All the Tech
CAEM manufactures the shelving and delivers Sense_Shelf to site ready with weighing cells, wires and micro computers.
Ready for the Integrator
Your system integrator finds the technology ready to go for their implementation with your systems.
The Journey To Going Checkoutless
Discover CAEM's Sense Shelf
Assess CAEM's capability of delivering the integrated technology hardware
Appoint the System Integrator
To achieve a checkout-less store, you'll need a system integrator to make our technology work with your systems
Define the lines to be sold
Depending on your checkoutless store model, location, demographics but also on the computing power, the products for sales need defining
Set up a mock shop
Before a full store, try the technology for internal demo within your business
Open the Checkoutless stores
Once the model is fully proven, a project plan can be put together to go live with checkoutless stores open to consumers.